Considering the long-term benefits of Rhino Shield Ceramic Coating for your home? While the price of Rhino Shield has a greater upfront cost than conventional paint, you will eliminate the ongoing expense of repainting your home. To learn more about applying Rhino Shield to your home, here is a brief overview of the application process.

The process begins with a thorough inspection of the condition of your home. We will plan what steps need to be taken to get your home back to its original condition. Next comes power washing. We will power wash the entire surface to clean and kill existing mold, fungus, or mildew. The purpose of power washing is to have a clean surface for the coating to adhere to.

We will next patch and repair all damaged areas on your home. All the cracks, holes, and chips will be repaired as well as damaged stucco. Areas around windows, doors, and any other cracks will be caulked to prevent moisture from coming through the coating.

Before we apply the coatings, we will first mask off areas of your property that will not receive coating. Masked off areas may include plants, lawns, decks, lighting fixtures, etc.

There is still more steps to cover in the application process. Check back with the blog to learn more about the detailed process of Rhino Shield.